You can do this by contacting your Relationship Management team, or if you don't have a Relationship Manager, contact our Business teams on 0345 711 4477
From outside the UK +44 870 511 4477
For Relay UK 18001 0345 711 4477
You will need;
- Your Business Loan Account number and sort code.
- Full Property address to be released, including the Title number and date charge registered, if known. Please note if the property is in Scotland -you must use a solicitor, please ensure you have their details.
- Type of security to be released e.g., property, guarantee or life policy.
- Your contact information in case of queries.
Please note without all this information, we will be unable to process the request. Please note, unless the loan is fully repaid any requests to release security will need to be reviewed and approved by the Bank before being processed and will be subject to credit approval.
Please check if the property legal charge is outstanding at Companies House or at the Land Registry before contacting us. If it is at Companies House, It is the responsibility of the Legal Estate Owner to arrange for the completion and filing of the appropriate forms at Companies House. You can check the Land Registry records here.
We can only accept written requests, as we require the customers authority;
NatWest Business Banking
PO Box 16204
B2 2WP
You will need;
- Customer Name and Full Address, including the post code and the customers date of birth.
- Business name and Business Loan Account number and Sort Code.
- Full Property address to be released, along with Title number and date charge registered.
- Type of security to be released.
- Customer written authority.
- Your contact information in case of queries.
Please note without all this information, we will be unable to process the request.