You will currently pay fees and charges for your NatWest Invest Pension as follows.
Fund ongoing charge is capped at 0.40% a year
This charge is taken directly from the fund by the Manager. It is made up of an annual management charge averaged out over the year and taken on a daily basis, and other expenses relating to the underlying investments that are taken when they arise.
Platform fee up to 0.15% a year
NatWest takes a quarter of this fee directly from your pension fund four times a year, based on the average value of your investments over the relevant quarter: 31 March, 30 June, 30 September, and 31 December.
NatWest pays Embark Services Limited a fee to operate the NatWest Invest Pension. You don’t pay Embark Services Limited any additional fee in relation to the administration of your pension.
Transaction Costs: 0.07%
This is the cost of buying and selling shares and other investments that make up the fund. The fund manager estimates, based on actual past costs, that the highest costs that will be incurred for any of the available funds will be 0.07% of the value of the fund each year. These costs will be deducted by the fund manager from the fund’s assets.
Data accurate as of February 2024. Fees may change.